Thursday 30 June 2011


One thing I have strongly learnt though in the last 6 months is the importance our relationships play in our lives. I realise life is all about our relationships with one another. I have always been one to live and think independently and not really appreciate the people around me. (Don’t get me wrong I love you all, just seeing you with new, more loving eyesJ). 
But now more than ever I am so grateful for my family, friends, acquaintances and even enemies.
I think about my relationships thus far, (some have blossomed, some hit the rocks, some experienced major shakes but thank fully bounced back) and I thank God for the wonderful people God has blessed me with. We can have all the material things in the world but they can never satisfy like our relationships. 
What’s the point living in a 5 bedroom flat alone, or having 3 cars only you drive or making all the money and having no one to share it with? Imagine having a phone with no one to call, a blackberry with no one to chat with, a face book page with no friend list, and a twitter account with no followers... I CANNOT OVEREMPHASIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR RELATIONSHIPS.
“Each of us is defined, and enriched, by our relationships with others.  It's the strength of our relationships, the warmth of our friendships, the time we have with our partners, parents and children, the respect we're given in the workplace and by our peers, the achievements we forge collaboratively and collectively, which generate real happiness and fulfilment."  
Michael Gove, Member of UK Parliament 

To nurture a relationship with anyone (father, mother, siblings, spouse, friends, etc) is hard work. Sometimes we say I just don’t get along with that person, the question is have you tried to get along. In relationships our words play a very important role. What we say to one another especially when we are angry can have far reaching consequences. (I am guilty of this, when I’m upset I say all sorts of things sometimes just to spite the other person, sometimes cos am not thinking straight.)
Also how quick are you to forgive? The popular saying goes to “err is human to forgive is divine”...easier said than done I hear some of you saying, yeah I know. Sometimes it takes me months to truly forgive and forget the wrong someone has done to me?
What of our actions? Are you there for the people in your life, are you reliable, caring, giving, and helping? Can your family or friends boast about you? It’s important that your actions speak for themselves. Some have all the good words to say, but their actions can’t correspond with the words.

All in all, the most important relationship we should have and nurture is our relationship with God. Develop an affection and  commitment to him that cannot be compared to anyone or anything. It is my desire that my relationship with him grows every day, and as that happens I know I will also learn to develop better relationships with all other people, and be at peace even with my enemies (Prov 16:7)

Love you all
30th June, 2011

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