Monday 13 June 2011

Dream Big, ACT BIGGER!!!

It is official! Life belongs to those who dream big, who desire to achieve feats beyond their wildest imagination and most importantly who take steps in achieving their dreams. Oh yes we all have dreams, whether they are day dreams or night dreams, we all dream. We dream of a better life, a better job, a deeper relationship with God, more money, achieving purpose, and yes the little things as well, but am talking about the "seemingly" big dreams. Those desires that almost make your mind dizzy just thinking about them.

I have learnt that dreaming is just the first step to achieving your desire. Dreams without corresponding action will produce no results, just as the bible says Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Your desires create a corresponding action within you, the more you meditate on your dreams, you find out you start receiving inspiration on different things you can do to achieve that dream. Inspiration is meant to be acted upon and not dreamt upon again.

At different points in my life I have dreamt more than acted, and yes of course nothing happened. But when I think of the times I dreamt and acted, I am awed at the results I received. Infact, in two instances where the dreams seemed impossible because what I desired was occupied, I literally saw doors open and the occupied became vacant waiting just for me.
Right now I HAVE A DREAM...(Imagine the voice of Martin Luther KingJ) This dream is BIG. It’s a dream I have nurtured for a whillllllleeeeee and after letting out all the fear, doubt and sometimes laziness, I took the first step last month. It sure was a plunge into the deep blue sea, but it was worth it. After sometime I began to see my dream coming to life. 
This dream isn’t complete yet, but my first step has opened into the 2nd and now into the 3rd   step which I acted on today. while I haven’t seen the end of my dream, just seeing the life coming out of it gives me hope and right now am ready to take any plunge necessary even if I have to jump into Chile's Puyehue volcano.

Today we see achievers all over the world and we desire to be like them. Trust me their dreams didn’t get them there. They saw the big picture and took steps towards that picture. Sometimes the actions seemed irrelevant, sometimes they had to do crazy stuff, unusual out of the box methods that wasn’t really the norm. 
Talking about unusual, I remember watching the Obama story and thinking to myself, President Obama with his Harvard degree could have worked anywhere in Washington or Wall street where the big leagues and wanna-be presidents usually start from, however he went to the back side of Chicago to be a community organiser, who would have thought he stood a chance at the white house??? But hey today we all know who he is. I strongly believe that choice he made that seemed different and crazy to most people at the time is instrumental in his becoming the 1st Black- American President today.

So what are the actions you need to take in achieving dream of yours, it’s time to step out, a little here, a little there. It’s time to Dream Big and ACT BIGGER!!!

Oh yes before I forget, my dream is surely gonna be completed as I continue to act on it, and as always pray about it. I promise to let you know when that happens.

Have fun Dreaming and Acting

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