Monday 28 November 2011

Lets Show Some Love together this Christmas.
SSL 2011

Saturday 26 November 2011

Showing Some Love this Christmas

Show Some Love is at it again this Christmas. We are doing what we know how to do best; SHOW LOVE. On the 17th of December 2011, we will be visiting the Home for Destitutes situated in Okobaba, Ebutte Metta Lagos Nigeria,

This home houses majority of the Lepers, Lame and Blind that we see on the streets of Lagos. The Place was built during the time of Governor Marwa in order to get the beggars out of the streets. Today, many years later this home is in a deplorable state. The beggars live there with their children and still beg to make a living. I visited there earlier this year and could not believe what I saw.

Dump-site inside the Destitute Home

Right inside the camp is a major dump-site and I almost threw up just being in there. After inquiring I found out the Government does not take care of the home or its members and they have to pay LAWMA N10,000 for every waste disposal trip. Raising N10,000 is not an easy feat for them. And with the throng living there, waste is constantly generated.

The children of the disabled also live in the Home and my heart went out to them. Most of these children are seen on the streets begging or assisting their parents to beg. SSL has chosen to organise a Christmas party for the children, to make this Christmas a memorable season for them. There are about 200-250 children Living in the Home and we desire to cater for all these children.

Some children living in the Home
The party will be in the Destitute home and of our first duty will be to have the dump site cleared, and try to clean up the place as much as we can. We do not want this to just be a visit to share things but we want to create and experience for these children that would truly bring joy to their hearts. There would be food, drinks, party packs, Santa Clause {Father Christmas:-)}, Bouncing castle etc and loads more just to make the children happy. Food items will also be donated to the parents.

SSL is a charity organization and we work with everyone willing to assist us. To know more about us or to support us for this Christmas event please visit for more information or simply call 07036119062 or 08099930072.

Thank you and keep showing Love

Love you all.

Friday 28 October 2011


“I want to change the world one life at a time, I want to leave my footprints in the sands of time. I want to have positive impact and influence. I want to give hope to the hopeless, love to the unloved, strength to the weak and light to those who are in the dark...
This might sound like a cliché, you know those things we all like to say (and I’m sure we’ve said many times over)but it’s how I truly feel as I write this.

One of the films that have greatly impacted my life is a film called “My Name is Khan”(if you haven’t seen it I recommend that you do). That to me is a film that teaches many lessons, one being we are all here on earth only to make another person’s life better.
In the midst of the plenty that we chase, (money, awards, materials possessions, lifes good pleasures etc), how do we live to ensure that we have a lasting impact on those that matter most- the PEOPLE around us.

When we die we live behind ALL that we have achieved. All those things are taken up by other people, but one thing stays; the thoughts, feelings, emotions that you left in someone’s heart (this can be good or bad)
We live in a time when we are defined by what we posses, and therefore its easy to forget the very essence of life, which is; who we are on the inside and how we relate with others.
Let Me ask, who are you, how would you identify yourself, how would you describe yourself (be true to yourself as you ponder and seek to answer these questions). Do the answers you get please you?

Someone said what would you like written on your grave stone when you die? The answer isn’t difficult, everyone wants something pleasant written about them. The question is “do you consciously live daily to ensure that what you’ve written would truly be engraved on that stone”. It’s easy to talk and write, but not easy to live what we write.
Re asses your life, and then ponder your death. Some say “don’t talk like this”” are you  wishing for death? Am not wishing for death but it’s a reality we live with!

My first encounter with death was at the age of 13. my brother who was 27 years old at that time died. I really didn't understand it, he slipped and fell and that was it. His life was over when it seemed like it was just starting.
I lost a dear friend in 2008, she was 24 years old with a promising life ahead of her. She died in a car accident and that was the end. It was at that point I truly began to understand the futility of life and the reality of death.
So many die every day, and while we don’t wish it for ourselves we need to realise that it can come anytime. So I ask what are you doing to ensure that if you pass on today, and of course people cry, they can also laugh and be content that yes you or me TOYIN lived a full life?

I will end with a quote “We will all die someday. Our goal should not be to live forever, but to create things and experiences that will”. SELAH

Saturday 30 July 2011


In 2005, Nigerians received terrible news after a Sosoliso Airplane carrying 109 passengers crashed, killing almost all of it passengers immediately. Today, only two passengers on that fateful flight live to tell the story.

Kechi Okwuchi is one of them. Kechi was a student at the Loyola Jesuit College and was travelling with her other school mates when the crash happened. Though she survived, she sustained 70% burns on her body and remained in a coma for a month.
Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), Nigeria, took on the funding for Kechi from the time of the crash until she left for the United States in 2007. Being a minor under the age of 18, she had access to free medical health care in the US and she was admitted in the Shriners  Chidlren’s  Hospital, Galveston Texas, USA. Shriners Hospital specializes in the treatment of burns resulting from various forms of accidents for children. Children, according to the hospital’s policy, are people under the age of 18. However, the hospital, of their own discretion, decided to extend Kechi’s treatment to what has now become 3 more years. 

 Today 6 years later Kechi has undergone about a hundred different surgeries. These surgeries range from skin grafts to reconstructive surgeries.
However Kechi Okwuchi has now turned 21. According to the United States Government, she is now a legal adult. As a result she would no longer be a patient of Shriners Children’s Hospital. Shriners hospital has been kind enough to complete the surgeries they have begun. But there is still a long way to go

Kechi Okwuchi needs our help to complete all her reconstructive surgeries.  A fundraiser will be held today to in honour of and for the purpose of raising funds for surgeries for her.
Please visit for more information. Most importantly please make a donation no matter how little it may be.

God bless
30th July 2011

Thursday 28 July 2011


I was conducting my daily yahoo news search (for some reason I’m addicted to yahoo news and I religiously open my yahoo page daily).  Today I came across one of the most touching stories i have ever read.The story of Nine-year-old Rachel Beckwith who died after a car accident last week Wednesday. While her death is very sad, the legacy she left behind is one that is truly amazing.
Rachel celebrated her 9th Birthday on the 2nd of June and she had a very interesting birthday wish. She requested that no one give her a birthday gift, instead cash donations should be given  for the non profit charity: water organisation (an organisation set up to provide clean drinking water in some African communities).
Rachel apparently found out about this charity, and decided to use her birthday to raise her a cash donation as her contribution to helping those in need. In her words she said "I found out that millions of people don't live to see their 5th birthday, and why? Because they don’t have access to clean, safe water so I'm celebrating my birthday like never before. I'm asking from everyone I know to donate to my campaign instead of gifts for my birthday. Every penny of the money raised will go directly to fund freshwater projects in developing nations."
Her goal was to raise $300 by the time her birthday came, while she didn’t achieve this, she was certainly close as she was able to raise $220, and thereafter she shut down the page.  Unfortunately Rachel was involved in car accident that claimed her life just about a month after her birthday. Rachel’s death came as a shock to her parents,  but the buzz her page created has given them a reason to smile.
After her death her Pastor revived the donation page she earlier opened,  and publicized it on the churches website. Today, this has created not just a buzz but more than 9000 contributors totalling up to $368,000.  Rachel's goal has definitely been surpassed more than 1,000 times over. As news of Rachel's cause spread, more and more people found and donated to Rachel's page, many leaving personal comments about how touched they were by her selflessness.

Many questions came to mind as I read this story. One thing that caught my attention was her age, Rachel was just nine. At nine am sure I was looking forward to my birthday party, the cake, numerous gifts, being the centre of attraction etc. That Rachel could at such a young age, be so concerned and compassionate about people who are miles away from her and also  decide to sacrifice her birthday for it is outstanding.
I am definitely touched by this selfless act of compassion from a little child and I know she must be smiling from heaven as she sees the ocean of love and donations her request has prompted.

But much more than that this story goes to show how one tiny act can bring about the greater good of others. We see needs all around us every day, what do about it, how do we try to help? Sometimes it seems we think we need to have a billion naira to make a change. But as we have seen, one step, a little faith, one seemingly insignificant act, can make a difference.
Rachel has done her part and even though she passed on at the age of nine her impact is phenomenal.
Rachel's mother Samantha Paul posted on Monday that she was in "awe" of the flood of support. "In the face of unexplainable pain you have provided undeniable hope," she wrote.

Let’s also begin to impact our world by the tiny acts of compassion we carry out. There is so much to be done and there is so much more we can do. Rachel simply had a birthday wish, what is your wish?

Yours  in Love
Toyin Fajj
28th July, 2011

Wednesday 20 July 2011


I read this on Dr Boyce Watkins blog and found it very thought provoking, so i decided to share.
Refuse to remain imprisoned, Get Out and STAY OUT!

Most of us are just a step away from being incarcerated, or have yet to understand what it truly means to be free.
Some think that exoneration from confinement is defined as being physically released from custody and never being arrested again. While this is certainly an important part of the process, freedom is a multi-layered continuum, and the truth is that many of us are actually in prison ourselves. If an allegedly free man is left in a situation where he has no options, then he isn’t much more liberated than a slave.
A man or woman can be physically free, but not mentally, spiritually or economically free. While a vast prison system threatens our liberty, the world presents a plethora of opportunities for people to keep their minds bound by ignorance perpetuated through , limiting environments,  unwholesome relationships, media, unhealthy cultural influences, or an addiction to anti-intellectualism and financial irresponsibility. So, as we all fight to protect and save brothers and sisters who’ve been kept behind by disproportionate systems of punishment, we must all be unified in understanding that all of us must find a way out of our own private prisons.
The first step toward finding your personal freedom is to accept the idea that struggle is typically the only path to growth. Nearly everything worth having is difficult to obtain, so if you do not embrace the struggle, then you are not truly committed to the progress you claim to seek.  Like a man planning to win an Olympic gold medal while eating chocolate doughnuts every day. Our actions must be consistent with our objectives, and we must realize that obtaining our liberty typically comes at a tremendous price.
A second step is to become committed to independent, courageous and creative thinking. Rather than doing things because everyone else is doing them, we should engage in actions and activities because they help us get what we want out of life. There are millions of people who see nothing wrong with watching television for eight hours a day, running to the club on Friday nights, sleeping with people they barely know and doing all kinds of things while never noticing that their choices are merely reflections of pre-defined influences that they’ve been unconsciously persuaded to emulate. This is not to judge or condemn the choices we make. It is to encourage all of us to take a second to question why we do what we do every day.
Third, there’s nothing wrong with hard work and sacrifice. Infact only those who commit to it become lifes true successes. We must embrace and encourage the idea of hard work and support those who push the limits of their capability.

The bottom line is that all of us are in a prison of our own making (I seek to identify and confront my own prisons every day). There’s always a dream we think we can’t fulfill, a habit we believe we’ll never break, or a choice we’re taught that we have to make. In many cases, we even lack the self-awareness to notice the shape of our prison or how to get out of it. We need to realize that we are prison inmates and release ourselves from our individual prisons.
(This Article has been edited by me. To read the original article visit
Dr. Boyce Watkins is a professor at Syracuse University and the founder of the Your Black World Coalition.

Get Out & STAY OUT
2Oth July 2011

Thursday 30 June 2011


One thing I have strongly learnt though in the last 6 months is the importance our relationships play in our lives. I realise life is all about our relationships with one another. I have always been one to live and think independently and not really appreciate the people around me. (Don’t get me wrong I love you all, just seeing you with new, more loving eyesJ). 
But now more than ever I am so grateful for my family, friends, acquaintances and even enemies.
I think about my relationships thus far, (some have blossomed, some hit the rocks, some experienced major shakes but thank fully bounced back) and I thank God for the wonderful people God has blessed me with. We can have all the material things in the world but they can never satisfy like our relationships. 
What’s the point living in a 5 bedroom flat alone, or having 3 cars only you drive or making all the money and having no one to share it with? Imagine having a phone with no one to call, a blackberry with no one to chat with, a face book page with no friend list, and a twitter account with no followers... I CANNOT OVEREMPHASIZE THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR RELATIONSHIPS.
“Each of us is defined, and enriched, by our relationships with others.  It's the strength of our relationships, the warmth of our friendships, the time we have with our partners, parents and children, the respect we're given in the workplace and by our peers, the achievements we forge collaboratively and collectively, which generate real happiness and fulfilment."  
Michael Gove, Member of UK Parliament 

To nurture a relationship with anyone (father, mother, siblings, spouse, friends, etc) is hard work. Sometimes we say I just don’t get along with that person, the question is have you tried to get along. In relationships our words play a very important role. What we say to one another especially when we are angry can have far reaching consequences. (I am guilty of this, when I’m upset I say all sorts of things sometimes just to spite the other person, sometimes cos am not thinking straight.)
Also how quick are you to forgive? The popular saying goes to “err is human to forgive is divine”...easier said than done I hear some of you saying, yeah I know. Sometimes it takes me months to truly forgive and forget the wrong someone has done to me?
What of our actions? Are you there for the people in your life, are you reliable, caring, giving, and helping? Can your family or friends boast about you? It’s important that your actions speak for themselves. Some have all the good words to say, but their actions can’t correspond with the words.

All in all, the most important relationship we should have and nurture is our relationship with God. Develop an affection and  commitment to him that cannot be compared to anyone or anything. It is my desire that my relationship with him grows every day, and as that happens I know I will also learn to develop better relationships with all other people, and be at peace even with my enemies (Prov 16:7)

Love you all
30th June, 2011

Tuesday 14 June 2011

"NYSC 5": Kidnapped Corpers

Last week, 7th June 2011 the news broke (ok well not exactly “broke” because it wasn’t all over the airwaves) that  5 Corp. members serving in Rivers State had been kidnapped. Infact, I first saw this as a friends black berry status and I asked him if it was true. My ever inquisitive and fact seeking mind immediately "googled" to get more information, only to find, as at that time, there was nothing on any news medium about it.
I immediately buzzed my friend back, relating my findings and was rather skeptical as to the truth of the story. It wasn’t until the next day, 8th June, about evening time that some news started filtering in about the kidnap, and I wondered why there seemed to be no media raze over the situation.

Let’s examine this, five young people, who in the process of serving their fatherland have been kidnapped so that they become money making ventures for the abductors. It is no longer news that kidnapping has become the latest money making business in town. Everyone is a potential victim, both the rich, poor, broke, young, old etc. I recently spoke with a barber, whose wife happens to be a hairdresser and they recounted how their four year old child was kidnapped in Obalende, and they had to pay a N50, 000 ransom. By that time the child had been taken to somewhere in Sango Otta. I was in shock when I heard the story, so much is happening that does not get into the main stream media, and while we think this happens only to those who can afford millions and billions it’s now happening to those who might not even have thousands to pay as ransom.

However the news of these 5 corpers is just scary. First the Rivers State government has said they will not pay the 20million ransom requested by the kidnappers for each corper which makes a total of 100million. The rationale behind this is that the kidnappers would then take that advantage, assuming the government will pay for every kidnapped corper and will then continue the trend. Governor Amaechi, we are not asking you to pay the ransom, as we understand the implication, all we ask is fish out the kidnappers and rescue the innocent young citizens. 
It is interesting that the Federal Government, who these corpers are working for, has not said anything about the situation. The NYSC in Rivers state has not even officially released the identity of the four female corpers that were taken. Besides Olumide Yusuf who is the only kidnapped male, we don’t know who the others are. What exactly is the secrecy all about, if I had a child serving in that part of the state, who for some reason I have not been able to contact in days, it’s enough to freak me out wondering if my child is part of the kidnapped.
I would recall that last year July when the Four Journalists were kidnapped, the media was ablaze with the news until they were rescued. Why is this different, where are the newspaper headlines, Television interviews, radio comments etc???

Another issue of course if the fact that there are 4 females involved, as females anything can be done to them in the hands of the kidnappers. Olumide the only male amongst them happens to be the only son of his widowed mother, who is a 10 year retired civil servant. I cannot but wonder what she is going through right now. It is reported that Olumide and the other 4 are batch B corp members who are meant to be passing out on Thursday 16th June, which is 2 days from now. This just makes the whole situation annoying. In 2 days from now, they would have succesfully completed their service and returned home to their families to begin a new phase of their lives. 
Today they are kidnap victims who cannot be found.

The situation is just pathetic and I can only empathise with the families of all those involved in this saga.May God keep the corpers and I pray for their quick and safe release. May God keep us all and cover us from evil that lurks around.

The Y-Count group is organising a rally for the release of these corpers. Check for more details. 

Stay Safe

Monday 13 June 2011

Dream Big, ACT BIGGER!!!

It is official! Life belongs to those who dream big, who desire to achieve feats beyond their wildest imagination and most importantly who take steps in achieving their dreams. Oh yes we all have dreams, whether they are day dreams or night dreams, we all dream. We dream of a better life, a better job, a deeper relationship with God, more money, achieving purpose, and yes the little things as well, but am talking about the "seemingly" big dreams. Those desires that almost make your mind dizzy just thinking about them.

I have learnt that dreaming is just the first step to achieving your desire. Dreams without corresponding action will produce no results, just as the bible says Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). Your desires create a corresponding action within you, the more you meditate on your dreams, you find out you start receiving inspiration on different things you can do to achieve that dream. Inspiration is meant to be acted upon and not dreamt upon again.

At different points in my life I have dreamt more than acted, and yes of course nothing happened. But when I think of the times I dreamt and acted, I am awed at the results I received. Infact, in two instances where the dreams seemed impossible because what I desired was occupied, I literally saw doors open and the occupied became vacant waiting just for me.
Right now I HAVE A DREAM...(Imagine the voice of Martin Luther KingJ) This dream is BIG. It’s a dream I have nurtured for a whillllllleeeeee and after letting out all the fear, doubt and sometimes laziness, I took the first step last month. It sure was a plunge into the deep blue sea, but it was worth it. After sometime I began to see my dream coming to life. 
This dream isn’t complete yet, but my first step has opened into the 2nd and now into the 3rd   step which I acted on today. while I haven’t seen the end of my dream, just seeing the life coming out of it gives me hope and right now am ready to take any plunge necessary even if I have to jump into Chile's Puyehue volcano.

Today we see achievers all over the world and we desire to be like them. Trust me their dreams didn’t get them there. They saw the big picture and took steps towards that picture. Sometimes the actions seemed irrelevant, sometimes they had to do crazy stuff, unusual out of the box methods that wasn’t really the norm. 
Talking about unusual, I remember watching the Obama story and thinking to myself, President Obama with his Harvard degree could have worked anywhere in Washington or Wall street where the big leagues and wanna-be presidents usually start from, however he went to the back side of Chicago to be a community organiser, who would have thought he stood a chance at the white house??? But hey today we all know who he is. I strongly believe that choice he made that seemed different and crazy to most people at the time is instrumental in his becoming the 1st Black- American President today.

So what are the actions you need to take in achieving dream of yours, it’s time to step out, a little here, a little there. It’s time to Dream Big and ACT BIGGER!!!

Oh yes before I forget, my dream is surely gonna be completed as I continue to act on it, and as always pray about it. I promise to let you know when that happens.

Have fun Dreaming and Acting

Tuesday 7 June 2011

A Beautiful Day

Just as i was pondering the complexities of life, I stumbled on this song by India Arie called Its a beautiful day. The lyrics capture my thoughts and i thought to share:

"Life is a journey, Not a destination, 
There are no mistakes, Just chances you’ve taken 
Lay down your regrets cause all you have is now 

Wake up in the morning, and get out of bed 
Start making a mental list in your head 
Of all of the things that you should be  grateful for 

Early in the morning It’s the dawn of a new day 
New hopes new dreams new ways 
open up your eyes, and open up my mind
and wonder how life will surprise you today 
open up your heart and decide to do your part and 
Make this a positively beautiful day 

Life is a challenge, not a competition 
You can still smell the roses and be on a mission 
Just take a moment to get in touch with your heart 

Sometimes you feel like you’ve got something to prove 
Remind yourself that there’s only one you 
Just take a moment to give thanks of who you are
 Let’s make this a wonderful, powerful, Beautiful Day 
because it truly is a Beautiful Day"

Lyrics have been modified by me

Everyday is a beautiful day, regardless of what the day presents to you. Your responses always determine the outcome of your life, not the circumstances that you face. 

Choose to live, choose to be grateful, choose to see the best even in the worst of situations.

Have a beautiful day
7th June, 2011.

Thursday 2 June 2011

What am I doing here?

The quest for purpose, for destiny, for that one thing that makes life all worth it, that makes you fulfilled, sometimes seem like a long windy road that never becomes straight. At 50 some wonder what was I created for??? At 15 some know this is what I was created for!!!
For those that know, serious kudos to you. For those who don’t, wow what can I say, it sure can be depressing especially if you’re at that point where you are really asking, searching, seeking, waiting....

I have been here many times, asking what am I created for??? What am I meant to be doing? There were times I was so depressed and I felt the whole world had left me behind. It got more upsetting when others looked at me and said oh how talented you are, greatness is in you blah blah blah and I would think; “Is this really me, or are they seeing something I can’t see?”
I wanted to do so much, because I felt I was gifted in many ways, but how much can you do at once is the question, how do you know what to do at the moment, how can you trust the voice within when the voices without are saying many other things, how can you believe when contrary winds are blowing, how can you start when uncertainties fill your heart and the way isn’t so clear. How, What, When, Where, Who, Why??? – the 5ws and 1h come to plague you.
Then I discovered I was thinking too much, worrying too much, planning too much, don’t get me wrong, planning is good but sometimes you just gotta do it and let the pieces fall into place by themselves. Someone once said “too much analysis leads to paralysis, just do it: NIKEJ.
So I decided to take it one step at a time. First I listed out all that my heart desired to do (Positive things only guys). After that I placed in order of priority and of course committed it all into Gods hands. (I can’t do anything without him). You know what happened, doors started opening into the things I wanted to do. I started getting information and opportunitites started showing up on the radar. So I jumped in and waded in the water. Some worked out and are doing great now, some didn’t – and I didn’t let that get to me because am learning that it’s all about Prayer, Persistence and Passion (amongst other things).
Some days the funny thoughts still come, still many questions in my head and doubts in my heart. Fear as usual lurks at the door, envy sometimes creeps in. Insecurity rears its head, but hey it’s all part of it. I thank God for my life today and in the midst of it all, I know without a doubt it’s all working out for my good.  

So if you find yourself in this position as well, don’t despair, it’s not the end of the world, on the contrary it’s really only the beginning. The beginning of new discoveries, strengths you didn’t know you had, life as you never knew it. The road can be tough, but hey with God you can smile all the way. Just take it one day at a time, believe in yourself (that’s very important) and step out into the unknown. And remember God has to be in it with you.

Hey what’s the worst that could happen..............................................???

Have a productive and fruitful month
June 2, 2011

Thursday 26 May 2011

When did Gender become a choice???

My mind is at work, this time thinking "is the world going crazy"? 

I read an article on yahoo  yesterday about a couple in Canada who recently had a baby but have decided not to disclose the gender of the child. Why, you may ask... well beacuse they want the child to choose what he/ she wants to be. If you're like me you are probably wondering if this makes sense, like some have said just check what's between the legs and you'll know the child's gender. well this couple seem to think differently. According to the mother, she says "We've decided not to share Storm's sex for now--a tribute to freedom and choice in place of limitation, a stand up to what the world could become in Storm's lifetime (a more progressive place? ...)".  Progressive or more like destructive! She adds "In fact, i'm not telling the gender of my precious baby, I am saying to the world, 'Please can you just let Storm discover for him/herself what s (he) wants to be"?
At this point am thinking this must be utter madness. But it is for real. She attributes her decision to a book she came across, a book from 1978, titled X: A Fabulous Child's Story by Lois Gould. In this book child X is raised as neither a boy or girl, and grows up to be a happy and well-adjusted child (I don't know what well adjusted means to them, but you can find out for yourself get to read the book online).
Everything in life is a choice..... well almost everything; your career, spouse, location, school, religion, and even the decision to be gay or straight. God even gave us the choice of Life or Death (Deut 30:19). However my question is when did Gender become a choice? After reading the book I was more confused than ever, so what exactly is X, a boy?, a girl? or just an X? What does it mean to be an X? 
The bible says God created us Male and Female (Gen 1:27), I sure didnt see God creating an X or Y. From the beginning of time there is a method of knowing which gender a child falls into. However with the many crazy things going on around our world today, this just adds to it. You can be any gender you wanna be, its your choice?????????????
The baby has been named storm, well i guess to his parents that is not a name for any gender. Storms mother says she's not giving up the crusade against the tyranny of assigned gender roles. "Everyone keeps asking us, 'When will this end?'" she said. "And we always turn the question back. Yeah, when will this end? When will we live in a world where people can make choices to be whoever they are?"  
I was recently reading about Cher's daughter (or now son) who decided to be a boy turned girl, and looking at the before and after pictures all I could think was God have Mercy. With parents like Kathy Witterick and David Stocker of Toronto, Canada who are saying from birth you are not a boy or girl, you are whatever you wanna be, I think the world just got crazier.

From me to you
© TyF
26th May, 2011.