Monday 12 May 2014


Exactly a year ago, on a sleepless night, in a certain land, the words of a song came to me. It had been a very long day as I was on a work trip, so I would expect that sleep will beckon fast, alas I was wrong. 

At 2 am,  my eyes were wide open though my body was dead tired. So as I lay on the bed I asked; "okay Holy Spirit what am I supposed to do this night, why am I awake"? playfully, I started started humming  " Holy Spirit I Welcome You" and before I knew it, I had written a 4 Verse song:-)

Songs usually come to me, but this was different. I had never recorded any of my songs, but this time I knew I had to make the move. I approached a friend and fabulous producer Olumide Iyun, to produce the song. He immediately agreed much to my surprise. It's taken a year...WOW...a loooooooong one year, but today I present to you  my 1st single " HOLY SPIRIT I WELCOME YOU".

For me this, isn't just a song, This is a message!

This song is a message about the person and the ministry of Our precious Holy Spirit. 

Jesus said in John 14:16-17 "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you".

In John 14:26 (AMPLIFIED VERSION) Jesus went on to say "But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you."

For every child of God, it is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can live the life God requires us to live. The life of Love, Power, Dominion, Victory and all Fulfilment. 

He's the Spirit of Grace & Supplication; Spirit of Faith; Spirit of Love, Power and a Sound mind.
The Spirit, of Wisdom,  Understanding,  Counsel, Might, Knowledge;
He helps us to Pray; He quickens our mortal bodies; He is our Teacher; our Helper, He is our All.

You can listen to an audio version of the song here;

You can watch a video version of the song here;

Develop a great relationship with the Holy Spirit. Seek to know Him, He is real, He is available to all of us (Luke 11:11-13).

It is my prayer that this song Is a blessing to everyone who comes in contact with it and also helps us all to develop our  relationship with the Holy Spirit.

God Bless You and feel free to share!!!

Thursday 13 February 2014


While I was meditating this morning, a strange thought occurred to me. I refer to it as strange because it was something that had happened a rather long time ago, about 5 years ago and it was the last thing I would have expected to remember.

At the time, I had the task of putting a story together for a TV programme. I chose a topic that was centered on a certain sector in Nigeria, and I approached it from a completely negative angle. My producer complained about the 100% negativity and requested I balance it out with some positive news. To me, there was nothing positive to highlight, everything seemed to be bad, and I felt it was right to focus on the bad so that change could be sought. As far as I was concerned, talking about anything good was simply trying to sugar-coat a terrible situation. Looking back now, I’m glad she didn’t let me have my way. She insisted, I found there were certainly several positive angles and we were able to balance out story.

When I remembered the situation this morning, I wondered why it came to mind. Suddenly it was like a light bulb came on in my head and I realized that just like back then, I needed to be reminded to look out for the positives and the good in everything. I heard it clearly “You need to put out the good stuff”.
Because of the society we live in, I realize it’s so easy to be negative, pessimistic, bad-conscious etc. Many times it can seem like nothing is working, and the bad becomes the norm. Eventually a lot of us fall into the trap of this insane negativity. When the good is good we have the temporary happiness but once the bad comes, we act like the world just crashed down on us.

IT’S TIME TO CHANGE! Time to put out the good things. Why? you might ask. Is there even any good out here?  Yes! there is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much good in the midst of the bad.
So why is it necessary to do put out the good!
·         You reap what you sow- If you want good better sow it in all you do!
·         As You think in your Heart, so it is- Your thoughts dictate your life!
So do the math- Bad thoughts/ words = Bad life and circumstances.
If all you see is the bad in people, then all you can ever get from them is the bad in them. If you choose to focus on the darkness all around, the darkness will eventually consume you.
Personally I realise I have so fallen short of seeing the good that surrounds me. I have also been caught up in the negativity web. But this morning I made a commitment to re-focus. As from today I choose to think, see, hear, speak and act good, no matter what!!!
·         No matter how bad a person may seem, there’s always some good in them.
·         No matter how bad a situation may be, there must be some good in it.
Hmmmm…I even realized sometimes there can be good in death- I came across the story of Jeroboams son in 1st Kings 14: 13. His son had been ill and he sent his wife to see the prophet. She was told the boy will die. However his death was a good thing because in all of Jeroboams family, only him was mourned for and buried in a grave. The rest of Jeroboams family were destined to be eaten by dogs and birds when they died (1st Kings 14:10-11). So his son was spared the disaster and disgrace that came upon the family.  I found this quite interesting.
So if you have also been a victim o f the negativity bug, I charge you today- make a new commitment to begin to see only the good around you. See the good in the worst of people. See the good in our great country Nigeria (and yes there is plenty good). See the good in your life.

I will end this with some scriptures that shed more light on this;
1.      Psalm 23:6: Surely GOODNESS and mercy shall follow me ALL the days of my life- Not one day but, every single day!
2.      Romans 8:28: And we know that ALL things work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.- Every single thing is working together for your Good!
3.      Romans 12:9- Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. CLING to what is GOOD- CLING (Hold on tightly or tenaciously) never let Good go.
4.      2nd Timothy 4:7: I have fought the GOOD fight- Even the fight of faith is Good!
5.      Philemon1:6- that the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus- I love this scripture- Our faith is effective when we acknowledge (Declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of) the Good things in us. Declare the Good to be true, even in the midst of dire circumstances.

Have a GOOD day and certainly a GOOD 2014 and a Happy Valentine’s Day (Show Love the Jesus WayJ).
Copyright 2014

Tuesday 28 January 2014


Do you feel like you've hit an impenetrable wall, do you feel like there is no more hope for you, or would you just like to be encouraged, inspired, motivated, stirred???
I saw this video and I just had to share it.
If you are a Christian reading this, its time to push out Gods Kingdom culture. So much is happening all around us. We are not made to be Christians in the church, but to be Christians to the world, to be light in the darkness, and right now i'm sure you would agree the world is getting darker.
Be proud of your Faith, manifest your Faith, be quick to show Love, NEVER judge or condemn. Let your words be full of Grace, seasoned with salt. Let your light so shine before all men. Let our lives glorify God. Tell someone about Jesus Today.
You are Blessed.
Have a most lovely day!!!

Friday 24 January 2014


I had an interesting experience yesterday and as I thought about it, I related it to my walk with God and came up with some conclusions of mine. Hope you enjoy and learn something from this.
It was about 8pm and a friend of mine was stranded, he requested I take him home. I had no issue with that except for the fact that he lives in Apapa and it’s not a route I am very familiar with. Going won’t be tough since he would be there to guide, but I knew the coming back would be a major challenge. My final destination was the island and I didn’t have an idea of how to link the road back.  I eventually agreed to take him and figured I might just get back on Western Avenue to link the island (That’s a longer route but one that I sorta knew). After dropping him off, I began the return journey. The night seemed darker than usual, car headlights were blinding my vision, and then it seemed I didn’t even remember the Western Avenue route again… all I could think was “how did I get here”??? I tried to phone a friend for directions but alas, network failure!!! At this point I knew I had entered one chance!
Then it happened…I saw a road sign. It occurred to me the road signs could guide me home and straight to the island also, instead of doing the long route, so I followed the sign and kept going. I saw a 2nd road sign, and then a 3rd one. I kept following the signs and before I knew it I had climbed a familiar bridge…the rest as we say is history. I got home safe and in quick time. I was elated, felt like I’d just achieved some award winning feat.
As I kept thinking about the trip I realized this is how God leads me, or at least tries to lead me (When I recognize and follow). He gives me the signs, the pointers which are all around, but why do I miss it so, much? Maybe because;
·         I am not looking out for it?
·         I am too distracted by my own feeling of inadequacy and ignorance of such a simple road.
·         I decide to trust in man and seek mans direction?
·         I have a plan B, C and D?
So what turned out to be finding the way home also became a learning experience and I would share below some things I  learnt from this, also using some scriptures that occurred to me;
1.      God is always leading us, the signs are always there; Isaiah 42:16 (Though you have not done that kind of thing before, its new, it’s strange for you, its unfamiliar territory, a new Job, relationship, adventure etc).
2.     We need to pay attention, look out for the signs; Habakkuk 2:1, Matt 26:41 says Watch and Pray . We need to pay attention, we need to be alert, observant, like Habakkuk said I will stand to SEE what He will say.  Let’s pray for the Grace to see and recognize the signs.
3.     The signs don’t come all at once; Isaiah 28:10. Just like the road signs, I saw the 1st one, followed it till I saw the second and then kept going. Sometimes the challenge is we want to see the end from the beginning, that’s for God Isaiah 46:10. For us we follow step by step, just like Abraham did Genesis 12:1.
4.     There’s always a tendency to trust more in man than God; 1st Kings 13 1-24. I find this story very instructional, please read and learn from it. Just like I was tempted to phone a friend whom I wasn’t even sure knew the way, yes he might have helped but in this case there were clear road signs to guide me. (I am not saying do not get advice from or listen to man, no there’s also a place for that.) But in some cases God has shown us the way in all clarity, He’s given the sign. Don’t try to seek validation, or support from man. When God shows you so it is!!! Our relationship with God is a very private affair.
5.     Gods way always turns out perfect; Jeremiah 29:11. Following God you can never miss it. Just Trust and Obey!
It is my prayer that this year we make Loving and Seeking God our NO 1 priority. Let us realise it is God or nothing. Let us learn to walk with Him. Let us daily ask Him for wisdom, that He may open our eyes that we SEE. That we recognize the signs He has put in place and pray for the Grace to follow the signs. God is for us this year, He loves us with an everlasting love. Let us open out lives to Him like never before and experience Him afresh.
God Bless us All.